Friday, June 17, 2011

Father Knows Best : a Top Twelve Best Movies Ever List

Opposites. That's the way I might start out describing me and my father. And its true...even though we're completely alike in more ways than I can count. Sometimes I catch him shaking his head at me, especially when I'm lost in a movie. I think he worries that my head is in the clouds to much. Funny thing though, he's totally responsible for my movie mania. Of course we have completely different tastes---but if it wasn't for him I wouldn't love horror movies, marvel at extreme explosions, lose myself in old black and white, laugh inappropriately, cheer at the site of a zombie apocalypse or even made it to my first art house flick. When I think back, its because of some silly movie that we shared or can recite famous lines from, that I love film ....and him so much.

In no particular order and in honor of my Dad, I've compiled a top twelve list of our favorites...

  1. The Burbs - classic Tom Hanks, hilarious and just dark enough to match dad. We know EVERY line from this movie.
  2. The People Under the Stairs - Wes Craven genius, not really scary, definitely funny and plenty of wtf? throughout. Our favorite line : "I'm gonna kill youuuuuuuuu! Kill'eeeeem!!!"
  3. Terminator 2 Judgement Day - We must have seen this at least five times in the theatre. It was the first time I remember noticing that we were kinda "hangin out" and I. One of the best sequels ever made. 
  4. Friday - classic ghetto, another line buster--we have the whole thing memorized and can recite on cue. Favorite line : "Cuz I steal, I don't kill!" 
  5. Basquiat - Dad rented this on his own and suggested that I watch it. I remember him telling me, " it's different but I think you'll like it." And so began my love for art house and independent film.
  6. The Exorcist - I remember watching this with dad and being VERY 5 or 6 years old. My mom came home from work and she was PISSED! "It's ok mommie, it's not real. It's fake." I comforted her. And that's why my favorite part of makeup school involved scar tissue effects, various blood mixtures and all the ghoul a mixed up girl could ask for :o)
  7. Dumb and Dumber - Dad's always had a soft spot for Jim Carey. Maybe its all the In Living Color  we used to watch? Favorite line : "Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? " 
  8. To Kill a Mockingbird - My favorite book on the planet and just a complete classic. Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch is just amazing. I named the best cat in the world after Atticus Finch. Dad always described men like Gregory Peck, Clint Eastwood or Steve McQueen as "real men." 
  9. The Elephant Man - Again another movie dad shared with me when I was really young. I think he always wanted me to be able to look at difficult things, people and situations. That movies could do more than just make you laugh or scare you. I felt so bad for Elephant Man and fell in love with Sir Anthony Hopkins. Hannibal Lector here I come!
  10. Clash of the Titans - a world of fantasy. This falls in line with a long list of classics, courtesy of dad : Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal and Willow. A fantasy nerd is born along with a crush on hunky Harry Hamlin. 
  11. Coupe de Ville - Probably not one to many have seen. Its never been produced in DVD format though its a complete classic. Superb story telling, great acting--the works. If you've ever loved or hated a sibling or just didn't understand your parents---find it and watch it. Alan Arkin is brilliant in this. 
  12. The Blob - the 1958 classic sci-fi flick. It wasn't until I was an adult that I learned of dad's love for this movie. "REALLY?! YOU---like THIS?" I asked sarcastically. I've always considered my father to be hard to please and it seemed so silly that he'd enjoy this old cheesy movie. But he loves it. "THIS was considered scary when I was a kid." he said, eyebrows raised. I think its awesome when people can still surprise you. :o) 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ooooo that smell!

Since Father's Day is coming up, I've been thinking a lot about my dad...naturally. Just now as I was scanning itunes, I began to think of this story my mom had once told me. I don't remember exactly how old she said I was but apparently my father was watching me during the day and working grave yard in the evenings. And back in the day my dad always listened to records. Even over television, he would always rather be listening to or playing music.  And one day while listening to Lynyrd Skynyrd, my dad figured out something kind of interesting : the song titled, Ooooo that smell, had a distinct effect on me. It made me cry---instantly. And my father, being the very early/very young twenty-something that he was, thought this was HI-larious. Now you have to know that my parents had me very very young. My mom was twenty and I believe my father was only eighteen or nineteen years old. So of course the phrase, "torturing a child" never occurred to him. lol. Even after the twentieth time playing the song and eagerly waiting for my instant tears. My mom said that when she returned home from work, he told her, " hey check this out..." and proceeded to share his discovery. "Whaaaaaat??" my mom asked. She said they both laughed and did it again. 

It wasn't until I was much older that she asked me if I recalled any of those events. But other than a faint image, all I ever remember is just me---hating that song. We both cracked up as she recounted every detail of the memory. And now, knowing my father as an adult, it makes complete sense to me...and I cherish that...I always will. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

"just one look at you, and I know its gonna be a lovely daaaaaay"

I woke up this morning at 5 am! I swear I don't understand how I am a complete night owl yet love to get up early in the morning. My dad gets up early too. "Jesus you're just like your dad," my mom groans when visiting. But this morning I felt something pulling me. It wasn't just my usual anxiousness to get the L.A. Times, or even excitement over our standing once-a-month breakfast date with friends...which I adore. Finally I looked out the window on the Kev's side of the bed and decided this is what was calling to me...