Thursday, May 12, 2011

An Apple a Day

So we did it! The boy and I recently upgraded our five-year-old phones to the iPhone 4. And I have only one word for you : huh? That's right. I'm in love and my head has been stuck in this thing since the minute I humped the FedEx guy's leg as he retrieved it from the truck. And I don't care what anyone thinks. I love my iPhone. It's so freakin cool. 

Now I know everyone's all caught up in the maybe-its-happening iPhone 5 release date. But to be honest, we didn't really care. Every six months there will always be a bigger, better, newer something. No matter what, our phones will still work and still be cool. So shove it Steve. We will have our iPhone cake and eat it now. 

The boy looked at me in disbelief yesterday, after he asked to see my phone. Reluctantly I handed it over and then let out a loud yelp. "ITS MINE!! Don't touch it!!" I whined. "Seriously with that?" he scolded.  Thing is, I tend to get a little Smeagol-y with expensive things. I'm not a person who makes such large purchases very often in life. Growing up my family struggled a lot and my parents pretty much gave up their dreams to furnish mine. So little things mean ALOT to me, let alone REALLY expensive gadgets. I'm always afraid someone will break it or ruin it or something awful---plus I'm an only child---so theres that.  He handed it back to me and as I lovingly stroked its silicone case, the boy shook his head. "CHRIST," he chuckled. "Thank god we both got one."

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Do you like.....

You know this tune right? But have you ever listened to the actual lyrics and the little story? Until about a year ago I never really had. Sure I knew the tune, could kinda hum along and it always made me wanna shake my fanny in the silliest possible way. But I'd never actually listened to the lyrics. Which I have to say is a little unusual for me. I'm alllll about words. 

So one night, back when I had a job, I was driving home from work and it came on the radio. I turned it up and actually caught the little story behind Pina Colada's and getting caught in the rain. "huh." I thought. "I never realized that. " and it became an instant favorite for more sentimental reasons. 

Its such a cute little story. I guess I can relate, not in that I've ever taken out a personal ad during my relationship, but that we've been together for a long time. And sometimes things can get a little routine I suppose. After seven years, you kinda know all of each other's moves and lines. But this song makes me think of how much I love the boy. 

"But its about a couple thats contemplating infidelity?!" says a girlfriend. Which I suppose is true but its that great last bit, " I never knew : That you like Pina Colada's....." Sort of like, if you're with the right person----not matter how many years pass---love can still surprise you. And that's how I feel about my poopie.  Just when I think I'm crush proof, he says or does something that surprises me and just like that I love him all over again for the first time. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Next Stop : Shangri-La

So the hiatus, upon returning home from our vacation in New Mexico, appeared to be unavoidable. First, I was totally bummed that our fabulous vacation was over. As ridiculous as it sounds, its hard to go from a vast unknown back to the comfortable unknown. Right now I'm unemployed, and searching for a lot of different things : answers, a new path, who I'm supposed to be? And all of that is worrisome but pretty easy to control from home. But out there on the road with my family, (wow that's the first time I've called them that : the boy and the pooch) we didn't know what to expect. And it didn't matter, we were together and having an adventure. For the first time in months I wasn't worried about a single damn thing. Which seems completely ironic and maybe a little out of my character : that the open road didn't frighten me, it was invigorating. So invigorating that I hardly photographed New Mexico at all--- I was to busy having fun and soaking it up.

When we came home I felt a bit detached from everything. I hadn't really checked my email in days or  hardly been on facebook. And I didn't really want too. I looked at my laptop sitting on the table from across the room and just felt, " eh. " Instead I started reading an amazing book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot. I went to Lowes and bought a lawn chair, sat outside and fell asleep in the shade with my dog. And I slept....a lot. All things I must have needed to do, for they seemed to happen to me rather than myself conducting the action.

So that was the first thing.

The second was well...PMS. I started to feel like I hated everyone and everything. Then I realized the PMS monster was taking over my body. And I didn't want to write through that. So there ya go. lol.

But our trip was fabulous! to say the least. We got to spend some much needed time with good friends, eat VERY VERY well EVERYDAY, visit magical places like old town Albuquerque and tourist-y ones like Santa Fe, we even managed to relax! And both the boy and I had our own separate experiences of nirvana in the southwest. His being movie related and mine, literary. I have to say, I didn't expect to fall in love with New Mexico as much as I did. Everything is so slow and easy and mellow. There's no traffic, no crowds or judging eyes and everyone is so nice.  It's a vast difference from Los Angeles. Everything is square and pueblo looking with chili's hanging from porches and sand devils kissing the ground. Maybe its the vortexes or the red and green chili but it really is a very enchanting little place.  And I'm happy to report that we'll actually be returning in July! This time we'll travel through Tuscon, Arizona, hit Tombstone and then its up to Albuquerque for one last visit with Aileen before we all caravan back to Los Angeles. I can hardly wait.

 I always feel like the universe speaks to me in signs. Like actual, literal signs, sometimes with figurative meanings. They always seem to pop up right when I need them, and say exactly what needs to be heard. I saw a bumper sticker during our travels that well...stuck with me. It said, "Do something that scares you everyday. " And I feel like we were, like we did and it made all the difference in us. Traveling changes you. It wakes you up, makes you less fearful, more of the world and a citizen of your heart. I highly recommend it.

The Land of Enchantment

I'm baaaaaack. :o) So after a brief hiatus ( to be explained in the next post) I'm finally able to sit down and write about our trip. But for reasons of obvious joy and worship, I felt that the David Sedaris bit needed its own post.

So on our last night in Albuquerque, we attended an evening with David Sedaris at the University of New Mexico. As always, he was brilliant, witty and hilarious. He read unpublished selections from stories still in progress, occasionally reaching over to his shirt pocket for a pen to jot down notes as he spoke. "shirt pocket pen..." I lamented to myself, in my head. " David Sedaris is jotting. He's jotting down notes in the margin. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life, " I continued. And it was. Though perhaps not quite as adorable as hearing him read the words, " freaky motha focka." He also read an excerpt from a Tobias Wolf book, The Barracks Thief. He felt so strongly about it, he urged the crowd to purchase a copy of this book before any of his own. Which I thought was really cool.

After the show I bolted to lobby, hoping to secure my spot in line for the signing. Even though I was easily one of the first fifty people in line, I began to worry about the time. I remembered from a previous signing that he usually talks to everyone, making each interaction personal and memorable. And while I adore this, I was worried about keeping the boy and Aileen waiting for an undisclosed about of time. "Don't worry about it! " the boy assured me. "Its all good....we're here." And so I waited, my nerves increasing with each step. Like a child flying alone for the first time, I desperately wanted the boy next to me in line. But I waved like a big girl, flashing a half smile from the worm of fans waiting behind me. "Whats wrong with me?" I thought. "I've met him before. Why am I so damn nervous?"

As I moved closer in line, he glanced over the room, making eye contact with me once or twice. "You're imagining things," my better sense secured. Four people away I began to get teary eyed. "OH CHRIST!" I thought. "Not now for Pete's sake!" I'm just like my mother, crying at the slightest hint of emotion. Which normally is a trait to be proud of, but when I'm about to be face-to-face with one of my heroes in front of a large crowd of impatient people with books in their hands, I'd really rather not cry like a distressed Beatles fan.

And then it was my turn------now I'm gonna write this out the way your twelve year old girlfriend would describe a life altering, intense two minute conversation with her crush---because no other way would do it justice.

David:  We've met before.
Me : (hyperventilating, shaking, smiling largely) We have! In Santa Barbara at the college.
David : That's right. Years ago. I have a show coming up there in a couple days.
Me : I noticed that, at the Arlington right?
David : Yes! But its not sold out yet. (He begins signing my books)
Me : I noticed that.
David : whats up with that? Are people getting tired of me??? (silly smile)
Me : Never. (smiling largely still)
David : So what were you doing in Santa Barbara back then?
Me : Well I'm a SoCal native and grew up in Ventura County so its pretty close. I live in LA now.    Actually I've tride to see you out there but its to crazy.
David : (with a cautious face) LA usually is pretty crazy. (He takes out a separate pen to sign the TW
              book. ) So what are you doing here in Albuquerque?
Me : We have friends in the movie business who are working out here so we're just visiting.
David : cool. Sooo do you know any jokes? (for those who don't know, he will often ask for jokes or
             last names from his fans to use as material)
Me : You know I probably do but I'm way to bajiggity right now to even think of anything to say.
David : Baajiggity? What does Bajiggity mean?? (starting to sign my CD case)
Me : you know like ...nervous. (having hot flashes)
David : (looking at me in disbelief)'re nervous RIGHT NOW???
Me : uuuh YEAH!
David : WHY??? (laughing)
Me : uuuuh HELLO! (giggling)
David : ok. (puts his pen down) I want you to do something for me right now.
Me : uuuuuuh (multiple hot flashes occurring)
David : I want you to SLAP me across the face right now.
Me : (HOLY SHIT) I can't do that.
David : yes you can. Come on I know you can do it. Don't do it HAAARD but just do it.
             (turning his cheek)
Me : (ooooh god) siiiiiiigh. ok. (gave his cheek a slight whip)
Me : (laughing like a fool)
David : (sighing and laughing) Can I see your purse?
Me : (wtf)  What????? oook. (pulling over my cobalt blue Betsy Johnson)
David : Perrrfect! I want you to take this with you. (handing me a jar of NM Green Chili)
             They gave me all this shit in my hotel room and I can't take any of it with me so I wanted
            to give this to someone from another state. I guess its a big thing out here.
Me : It is! I had a turkey sandwich with this on it today.
David : well see now you can make one when you get home, and use the hand you slapped me with!!
Me : I will!!! Thank you!!!

As I left the line, I saw the boy. He was standing behind me the whole time, listening and sharing. He extended his arm and I collapsed into his bear hug, holding back a tear. I'm sure you can imagine, I left that night with my heart completely filled up. What a great experience, even better than the first time. And did he really remember me? God I felt so infinitely cool in that second when he said, " We've met before." It was like a fucking symphony of cool rocketing in my direction, making me explode. Little bits of cool showering the crowd. (laughing to myself) And I thought about it for days. I thought about it that night--laying awake in bed, driving home the next day, and finally at home---running my fingers across the signed page. "We meet again, enchantress. ---David Sedaris" I imagined all of this as preamble. That someday we'll be great friends and laugh about the time I slapped him in front a crowd of adoring fans. We'll sip some delightful beverage on a patio somewhere, sitting in Adirondack chairs, leaning into the afternoon sun.

a girl can dream right?  :o)